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Faculty of Social Science
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Western University
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Western offers new minor in Black Studies
September 13, 2022Cornel Grey, a new professor in the department of gender, sexuality and women’s studies, is developing course content for Western's new minor in Black Studies. (Dhoui Chang)
Western University has launched a new minor in Black Studies through the Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies.
“Black students, staff and faculty have different experiences of Western, and indeed of London, than do others – including others who are also racially minoritized but not Black,” said W.G. Pearson, chair of the department. “It is obviously important to address racism and inequity on campus in practical and material ways, but in a university, it is also important to address these same issues from a scholarly perspective.”
Open to all Western students, the minor in Black Studies will offer a variety of local, national and global disciplinary perspectives on Black history, culture and heritage. One focus, given Canada’s proximity to the United States, is how race plays out there – including how government race policies generated resistance both historically, with the Civil Rights Movement, and currently with Black Lives Matter.
The Introduction to Black Studies course, taught by Erica Lawson, professor and undergraduate chair of women’s studies and feminist research, already has more than 60 students registered.
Cornel Grey, a new professor in the department of gender, sexuality and women’s studies, is developing course content for Western's new minor in Black Studies. (Dhoui Chang)