Meet Our Students: Celebrating Success Stories – Cecilia Cai


Cecilia Cai, a fifth-year dual-degree student in International Relations and Ivey Business, shares her transformative journey at Western University. From her first day in the International Relations program, Cai was immersed in a world of diversity and challenge. “When I first stepped into Western's International Relations program, I had no idea what was coming my way,” she recalls. “The diversity here is exhilarating; a classmate sitting beside you could have a completely different life story. Both in seminars and casual conversations, you are challenged to think beyond your own experiences and grasp the complexity of global issues.”

Cai acknowledges that university life isn’t always easy. “There will be late nights in libraries and empty classrooms when you will have self-doubting moments,” she reflects. Yet, those moments are often countered by eye-opening classes, thought-provoking conversations with peers, and inspiring discussions with professors that can illuminate unexpected career paths.

The IR program at Western, Cai notes, fosters a warm and welcoming community. “The diverse student body, esteemed faculty, and supportive staff create an incredible learning environment that goes beyond textbooks.” This sense of community has been pivotal for Cai as she navigates her academic journey.

Her active involvement with the Association of International Relations (AIR) stands out as a highlight of her university experience. Starting as a curious first-year student, Cai has grown into a mentor and leader within the organization. “The AIR creates an open forum for Western students interested in politics and history while collaborating with the broader Western community,” she explains. The club provides a platform for discussing international diplomacy, state relations, and global issues, encouraging students to develop their opinions and engage in critical thinking.

In the ever-evolving landscape of International Relations, Cai emphasizes the importance of recognizing our interconnectedness. “This connection encourages us to engage, understand, and contribute to the dialogue of global governance,” she states. She believes that IR is not merely a subject of historical debates but a vibrant discourse on global policy and strategy. “While the theories of IR may not always provide clear-cut answers, they are foundational to our understanding of strategies in diplomacy and negotiations,” she adds.

Cai concludes with a heartfelt invitation to prospective students: “The IR program is more than a chapter of my life; it’s an opportunity to create narratives rich with self-reliance and memorable encounters with people I wouldn’t have known otherwise. If you're passionate about understanding our interconnected world and want to be part of shaping its future, Western's IR program is the perfect launchpad for your ambitions.”

Join us in celebrating Cai's journey and the stories of our students. Stay connected with our "Meet Our Students: Celebrating Success Stories" series to discover more about the incredible individuals who make up our vibrant Western community!

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