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Jeff Hopkins receives CAG Award for Excellence in Teaching Geography
June 05, 2017
Jeff Hopkins, Associate Professor in the Department of Geography is the 2017 reception of the Award for Excellence in Teaching Geography, presented by the Canadian Assocaition of Geographers.
Since joining the Department of Geography in 1993, Hopkins has taught more than 4,500 undergraduate students, and has supervised many undergraduate theses.
He consistently receives excellent course evaluations and has been recognized seven times as a recipient of the Western Teaching Honour Roll by the University Student Council (USC). He was an inaugural winner of the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Faculty of Social Science in 2016.
In recognition of the primary importance of teaching excellence in geographic education, the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) offers, since 1997, this award to a member of the CAG who teaches in a recognized university, college, CEGEP or high school. At a minimum, a nominee must be the member of the teaching staff, full or part-time, hired to teach a course in any one year, who has primary responsibility for organizing and presenting course material.Normally, a nominee would be a member of the teaching staff, who has distinguished herself or himself in courses with small and large enrolments, at different levels of instruction, over several years of teaching in the nominating institution