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Western University and the NGO Alagoas Ateliê Ambrosina launch gallery and podcast channel
December 17, 2021The Department of Anthropology at the Western University through researcher Pamela Block, launches the first project dedicated to the co-creation of portraits and podcast episodes aimed at promoting critical, reflective and collaborative visual and oral micro-stories of disability in Brazil.
This call selected 22 proposals that were developed over the months of October and November 2021 to integrate the virtual gallery and the podcast channel Portraits of Brazil with Disabilities - PORTRATOS DEFIÇAS , in partnership with the NGO Ateliê Ambrosina de Maceió/AL.
Retratos Defiças is an exhibition of the virtual gallery of the Retratos do Brasil com Deficiência Project.
From the media release (translated from Portugese):
“Through photography, painting, drawing, digital art, among other techniques and supports that were of free choice to the 11 participating duos, the exhibition tells authentic stories, free of limited narratives and harmful to people with disabilities, showing how a conservative representational genre how portraiture can act at the service of a progressive policy of inclusion.”
The NGO is also launching a podcast channel, Retratos Defiças.
The podcast will include 11 episodes, focused on disseminating independent narratives and ethnographic accounts linked to disability to address experiences lived around inclusion rights, research approaches, politics and justice involving family, care, sexualities and networks of activists in Brazil.