Equity and Diversity Social Science Doctoral Fellowship (EDSSDF)

 The Faculty of Social Science is deeply committed to enhancing the representation of historically marginalized groups, particularly those who are racialized, Black, Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis), LGBTQ2s+, or individuals with disabilities. Through this fellowship, we aim to prioritize the recruitment and support of such students who exhibit exceptional research potential and a strong dedication to scholarly pursuits. Indigenous scholars may also apply for the Indigenous Social Science Doctoral Fellowship (ISSDF) as an alternative avenue of support.



- Four awards, each with a total value of $20,000, paid to each recipient as $5,000/year for four years 

- These awards are on top of Departmental funding and not subject to any downward adjustments



Eligible applicants:

  1. Self-identify as Black, Indigenous*, a racialized minority, LGBTQ2s+, or having a disability
  2. Have been offered admission to a Faculty of Social Science PhD program (Anthropology, Economics, Geography & Environment, History, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology) at Western.

*Note that, while students who identify as First Nations, Inuit, or Métis will receive priority consideration, global Indigenous people from other regions may also be considered. 

Also note that the Office of Indigenous Initiatives at Western has an Indigenous identification affirmation committee that assesses Indigenous identity claims of applicants who self-identify (link to be posted once available).  This is toward fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for a diversity of Indigenous identities and toward creating safe spaces for Indigenous people to self-identify as Indigenous and share their positionality. The assessment of Indigenous applicants for the EDSSDF will include an Indigenous faculty member.



The student’s application to the graduate program will be the primary source of the application materials for this fellowship.  Two supplemental documents are requested as described below.

  1. Cover letter, consisting of a student statement of eligibility and the name of the student’s supervisor in the Faculty of Social Science (FSS). This statement can be brief, but should include information about how the student is eligible for this award and provide their supervisor’s name.
  2. Statement of research contributions, relevant experience, and activities (see template below).



Adjudication & Timeline

Adjudication is at the FSS level. The core selection criteria are research potential and dedication to scholarly activity. The Faculty EDSSDF Adjudication Committee is chaired by the FSS Associate Dean-Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and will include the FSS Assistant Dean-EDID and representation from FSS departments.

2024 EDSSDF Recipients

Joy Kehinde, Geography & Environment

Joy Kehinde
Geography & Environment

Kaylynn Driggers - Political Science 

Kaylynn Driggers
Political Science 

Lina Adeetuk, Geography & Environment 

Lina Adeetuk
Geography & Environment

Mutale Inonge Geography and Environment

Mutale Inonge
Geography & Environment

Naser Ahmed Geography and Environment

Naser Ahmed
Geography & Environment



First business day of March (March 3, 2025)

- Students applications are due to Ann Seabrook ann.seabrook@uwo.ca. Note that students submit the two supplemantal documents described in the Application section; other components of the application will be obtained directly from the student's program.

Second week in March to third week in March

- The EDSSDF Adjudication Committee members are asked to score each applicant using appropriate equity-informed processes.

Last week in March

- The Chair of the EDSSDF Adjudication Committee sends the overall scoring for the cohort of applicants in a ranked list to the adjudication committee. A meeting may be held to identify the awardee.

First week in April

- Program notifies awardee

Second week in April

- Awardee must notify program of the decision to accept or decline the award.

Third week in April

- Awardee’s photo and name are posted to FSS scholarship page, if awardee consents.


Research contributions, relevant experience & activities (maximum two pages, single spaced)

Describe your research contributions, including relevant experiences and activities, organized using the two sections listed below.

Section I—Research contributions

Supplementing the information in your admission application, this is an opportunity to highlight any research contributions you would like to further contextualize. Please indicate whether the items you list are refereed** (peer-reviewed) or not. Research contributions are broadly defined here, including those that are not in traditional scholarly publications. If the contribution is co-authored, please specify your role. For publications in languages other than English or French, provide a translation of the title of the publication. List the contributions with full reference information or, where relevant, an indication of how the contribution was disseminated. 

Section II—Applicant’s statement

Organize this information under the following two headings:

Relevant experience

- Describe the research abilities you have gained through your past research experience, including special projects, honours/master’s thesis, co-op reports, etc. If you have relevant work experience, discuss its relevance to your proposed field of study/research and any benefits you gained from it
- This section can also be used to describe any training relevant to your proposed research, such as formal training experiences (e.g., workshops), but also knowledge gained through lived experience and traditional teachings.

Relevant activities

Describe your participation in relevant professional, academic, extracurricular and community activities, as well as collaborations with supervisors, colleagues, peers, students, and community members, such as:

- Indigenous community leadership and other roles
- teaching, mentoring, supervising and/or coaching
- managing projects
- participating in science and/or research promotion
- community outreach, volunteer work and/or civic engagement
- chairing committees and/or organizing conferences and meeting
- participating in departmental or institutional organizations, associations, societies and/or clubs.


**A refereed work is assessed before publication by arms-length experts (note that a thesis is not considered a refereed publication)


Past Recipients

2023 EDSSDF Recipients
  • Hayl Al Salehi - Political Science
  • Hailyee (Hui Jeong) Ha - Geography & Environment
  • Reforce Okwei - Geography & Environment


2022 EDSSDF Recipients
  • Jason Chung - Psychology
  • Desmond Ofori Oklikah - Geography & Environment
  • Carmen Salloum - Political Science